Privacy Policy of user information

Effective date: May 15, 2019

This privacy policy describes how VTC Technology and Digital Content Company (VTC Intecom) handles and protects the information we collect through our website, games, mobile applications and products and services. other interactive software services that we operate and that link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Services”).



We collect information when you provide it to us, when you communicate with others, and when you use the Services. We may also collect information about you from other sources.

Information you provide to us. When you register, contact us directly or use the Services, you may choose to provide information to us, including:

Contact information, including name, phone number, mailing address, and email address.

User account information, including username, nickname, password, and profile picture.

Demographic information, including your age, gender and country.

Contacts from your device address book and social media accounts.

Payment information our payment processor collects when you make a purchase.

Letters you send to us.

Communicate with others. When you communicate or share information with others through the Services, including by posting photos or communicating orally or by written messages, we may access and store the content of your communications and related information, except where access and storage are prohibited by law. You consent to the recording, storage and disclosure of information and communications that you send or receive from us in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service and End User License Agreement

Use of Services. We collect information when you use our Services, including Internet protocol (IP) addresses and other identifiers assigned to your devices and applications when you access the Internet or use Service, browser type, browser version, browser language settings, operating system, device name and type, MAC address and other device identifiers, information from your device (including includes information from and about hard drives and other storage devices, central processing units, random access memory, video cards and peripheral hardware, software and applications installed on your device. your Internet service and mobile service provider, the pages you visit before and after using the Services, dates and times of access, download information, links you click, and the areas you view in Services, game metrics and usage data, and other standard server log information. We collect additional information when the Service crashes or experiences problems, including driver and system data. Consistent with device permissions, we may collect or derive location information from your device's GPS signals, Bluetooth connections, nearby WiFi networks, and similar device information. We may also derive location from your IP address.

Information we obtain from other sources. We may receive information about you from public and commercial sources (as permitted by law), which we may combine with other information we receive from or about you. We may also receive information from third party social networking services when you or another user chooses to connect to those services.


We may use, record, systematize, store, update or modify, retrieve, delete or otherwise process your information for the following purposes, using manual or automated means :

Our payment processor uses payment information as necessary to complete a transaction or as required by law.

We may also use the information we collect to:

Send email, push notifications, text messages, alerts and other communications about our Services and the products of our third party partners, in accordance with your selections.

Customize and deliver the content and advertising you see when using the Services or third-party websites and services, in accordance with your choices.

Links between different devices that you may use to analyze your use of the Services, customize advertising, and provide and improve the Services.

Analyze and address prohibited activities, including by supporting our efforts to control users who may develop or use hacks or cheats to gain an advantage over users of the Services and enforce our Services License Agreement and End User License Agreement

Analyze, develop and improve the Services and new products and services, including by conducting and providing surveys, polls and research.

VTC Intecom's legal bases for processing information for these purposes include that processing is necessary for:

  • • VTC Intecom's legitimate interests, including those described above and as necessary to provide the Services.
  • • In accordance with VTC Intecom's legal obligations.
  • • Performance of the Terms of Service and End User License Agreement between VTC Intecom and the user.
  • • Fulfill obligations and exercise rights under applicable law.
  • • If applicable, on the basis of user consent which can subsequently be withdrawn at any time by contacting us, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before withdrawing money. We rely on consent for certain advertising purposes, using certain cookies, collecting precise geolocation information, combining data across devices, and transferring personal information internationally. For more information about how you can provide or withdraw your consent, see your choices.


We limit when we share the information we collect to the following situations:

In VTC Intecom. We share information on VTC Intecom companies.

Business Partners. We share information with third-party partners and service providers, including payment processing companies and gateways, platform services, game developers, game publishers, customer support services, hosting and cloud storage providers, social media companies (who may collect information when you use the Services or when you connect the Services to a media account society) and analytics and advertising companies, to help us provide and improve our Services and operate our business. For more information about our business partners, please contact us.

Other users. Your profile, including the username and image you may provide, and information about your activities on the Services may be visible to other users of the Services or its websites and services. third-party. For example, your game results, scores and profile information may be viewed by other users of the Services and, if you choose to link to social media sites such as Facebook, viewed by other users of those websites.

Legal purposes. We may provide your information to third parties when we believe that doing so is required by law or to cooperate with regulatory or law enforcement agencies. We may disclose your information to protect the rights or property of VTC Intecom, including to enforce our Terms of Service and End User License Agreement and others, or when we believe that there is an emergency that threatens the health or safety of you, another person, or the public.

Corporate transactions. If VTC Intecom is involved in a corporate transaction, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, sale of assets or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy, we may transfer your information. you to a successor organization in accordance with applicable law.

With your consent. We may share information for any other purpose disclosed to you at the time we collect the information or pursuant to your consent.


When you use the Services or interact with emails from us, we and our third party business partners may collect and store information about your use of our Services using cookies , pixel tags, local storage, and similar technologies.

Cookies are small files that are automatically created when you visit a website and stored on your device. Pixel tags are very small images or small pieces of data embedded in images, also known as “web beacons” or “clear GIFs,” that can recognize cookies, time and date with a page being viewed. view, a description of the page where the pixel tag is placed and similar information from your device. Local storage is similar to cookies except that it can store larger amounts of information and may be stored elsewhere on your device.

We use cookies and similar technologies (collectively “Cookies”) for the following functions and purposes:



Analysis and research

We use analytics and research cookies to collect information about how visitors use our Services, including the total number of people using our Services and the types of devices they use. We may use the information to compile reports about aggregate and de-identified information and to help improve the Services.


These cookies help us identify our users so that when you are logged in, you can fully enjoy the Services and features.

These cookies are strictly necessary and cannot be blocked if you wish to use the Services.

Service features and performance

We use feature tracking cookies to collect information about how our Services perform. We may use the information to compile reports and to help improve the Services.

Service integrity and security

We use security-based cookies to help keep our Services secure. We may use information obtained from security and service integrity cookies to, among other things, identify possible fraudulent or abusive activities, enforce our Terms of Service and Agreement end user licensing and to protect user safety.

These cookies are strictly necessary and cannot be blocked if you wish to use the Services.


We use advertising cookies to customize the advertising shown to you on the Services and on third-party websites and services

We allow third parties, including analytics providers, advertising networks and other advertising service providers, to collect information about your use of the Services across applications and other devices each other using cookies and similar technologies. Third parties may use this information to display advertising on our services and elsewhere online on various websites and services tailored to your interests, preferences, and preferences. and characteristics. You can control the use and disclosure of information for such purposes through Your Choices.



VTC Intecom offers you many choices to control the use and sharing of your information, including:

Contact email. You may opt out of receiving commercial emails from us by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in our emails. Please note that even if you have opted out of receiving commercial emails, you may continue to receive account-related, transactional and similar service-related messages.

Geolocation information. Your device may allow you to control the collection of your precise location information, and whether this information is shared with third parties, through settings on your device. Please note that you may need to adjust multiple settings, and not just location permissions, to opt out of providing precise location information. If you choose not to provide precise geolocation information, we may continue to derive your approximate location from your IP address and other information we may collect. For more information, please review your device settings.

Cookies and similar technologies. You can refuse or disable cookies by adjusting your web browser settings. Because each web browser is different, please refer to the instructions provided by your web browser (usually in the “Help” section). Please note that you may need to take additional steps to opt-out or disable local storage and similar technologies. For example, Adobe Local Shared Objects can be controlled through the instructions on the Adobe Settings Manager page. Deleting cookies in your browser may in some cases cancel your preferences for advertising based on preferences. If you choose to decline, disable or delete cookies and similar technologies, some functionality of the Services may no longer be available to you.

Do not monitor signals and similar mechanisms. Some web browsers may transmit “do not track” signals to websites with which users communicate. VTC Intecom currently takes no action in response to these signals.

Interest-based advertising. While it is not possible to turn off all advertising, you have the ability to control whether you receive interest-based advertising based on information collected or received about your online activities and interests over time. time and on unaffiliated websites and services and your other devices. You can opt out of receiving interest-based advertising from companies participating in self-regulatory programs such as the Network Advertising Initiative (US) and Digital Advertising Alliance (US), EDAA (EU ) and DAAC (Canada) by following the instructions provided on their websites. If you are using a mobile application, you may also need to opt out of interest-based advertising on your mobile device or through the mobile application. For more information, check your mobile device and app settings. Please note that your opt-out choice will only apply to the browser and device you are using when you opt-out.

Game and other device permissions. You can adjust your privacy settings to receive push notifications, share your address book, and other information or features within the Services or device permissions. Please review the settings for your Services and devices for more information. To stop the collection of information by a VTC Intecom game, you can uninstall the game using the standard uninstallation process available on your device or the app market or network on which you installed the game.

Data rights and withdrawal of consent. The laws in your country may give you the right to request access, correction, restriction, transfer, copy or deletion of your information, request that we stop processing your information or delete your information. your account or withdraw or change the scope of your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we will stop processing your information for those purposes, but it will not affect the processing of information previously granted by your consent. Where technologically feasible and required by applicable law, we will transfer your information as you reasonably request. Your request to withdraw consent, restrict or stop processing your information, or delete your account or information may result in you being unable to access the Service or some of its features. To exercise your rights in accordance with applicable law, please contact us.


We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age (or age as otherwise established under applicable law) without parental consent or unless permitted by applicable law.


We maintain reasonable and appropriate physical, electronic, organizational and procedural safeguards to protect your information. Although we take reasonable precautions against possible loss, misuse or unauthorized access, no data storage or transmission system over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure. The data we collect will only be retained for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out above, unless otherwise required by applicable law.


Information we collect may be transferred to countries outside your country for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. You understand that these countries, including South Korea, Japan and the United States, may not provide the same level of data privacy protection as the European Union/EEA or European Economic Area countries. and you consent to the transfer of your information to these countries for processing in accordance with this Privacy Policy. These transfers are essential for the provision of our Services and the performance of our Terms of Service and End User License Agreement.


We may change this Privacy Policy, in which case we will notify you before those changes take effect by posting the updated policy through the Services or as otherwise required by law. current. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective after a reasonable period of time as specified in the notice of such changes.


Your privacy and information security are top priorities. We always try to support customers as quickly as possible regarding information security issues

Right to request deletion of Mobile Game Account:

Procedure for sending and supporting deletion of a Mobile game account:

Step 1: Customers log in to or press the red "Request account deletion" button on the Game's login screen, using any account to send support. Red "Request account deletion" button on the Game login screen

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Red button "Account Deletion Request" on the Game login screen

Step 2: Select the game service to delete.

Step 3: Provide account information (of the account needing support).

Step 4: Temporarily lock the account for 14 days to check for disputes.

- After 14 days, if there is no dispute and the Customer responds that the inspection period has expired, these requests will be supported: delete that Mobile game account.

Note: this is only a feature to delete the game account, does not affect the VTC ID account. In addition, during the 14-day inspection period, the customer has the right to cancel this request.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact the publisher regarding the specific VTC Intecom Service, the data controller responsible for your information:

Publisher Contact information
VTC Technology and Digital Content Company (VTC Intecom) 23 Lac Trung, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam

VeraSafe has been appointed as VTC Intecom's representative in the European Union on data protection issues, pursuant to Article 27 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. If you are located in the European Union and your request concerns the processing of personal data, please contact VeraSafe at:

VeraSafe Czech Republic s.r.o

Klimentska 46

Prague 1, 11002

Czech Republic

Contact form: