GAME RULES SET Dear gamers! VTC Game would like to send gamers a set of game rules. Wishing gamers happy gaming! anhquytacnew I. Game instructions:
anhquytacgiftVisit the game's homepage
anhquytacgiftChoose to download the game (choose the game download that is suitable for the player).
anhquytacgiftLog in to the game icon on your phone or computer screen. After successfully installing the game, log in to your registered account (VTC Game), the system will switch to the game server selection interface, then the system will automatically create the game server. object for the player with the default name from the system.
anhquytacgiftAfter the player performs the instructions, new players of the game can rename their character. Players need to observe the complete tutorial mission sequence to understand all the basic steps about the game's content and features.
II. Game rules:1. General agreements
anhquytacgiftThe VTC account system at the website is the account management and billing system for VTC's online services, and also provides online payment solutions for digital content services. of partners.
anhquytacgiftVcoin is a payment unit in the VTC Account System with the current conversion rate of 1,000 VND = 1 Vcoin. VTC account system has the right to change this conversion rate and is responsible for announcing it on the news of the website before the change takes effect.
anhquytacgiftThe VTC account system acts as a third party to help payers and payees make payments by both having accounts at The VTC account system is completely independent between the payer and the payee.
anhquytacgiftOTP (one time password) is a one-time password that helps customers secure their accounts when performing transactions. Customers can use OTP via SMS or Voice OTP.
anhquytacgiftLogin security is an account security feature for customers using the SMS Plus service, whereby customers who register for the service must enter OTP for verification when logging in. Freezing Vcoin is an account security feature for customers using SMS Plus service, whereby part or all of the Vcoin balance in the customer's account will be stored by the system. This frozen Vcoin number will be absolutely safe and even the account owner cannot use it until the Vcoin tape is opened.
anhquytacgiftPlayers understand and accept that the VTC Account System does not have full functions like a bank (for example, there are no capital mobilization activities...) except for making online payments.
anhquytacgiftPlayers understand and accept that they are not allowed to request any interest or any other income from the money they deposit into their account on the website
anhquytacgiftPlayers are not allowed to buy and sell Vcoin/Virtual Items in the game (Diamonds, gold...) for profit in any form and all Vcoin/Virtual Items in the game are not allowed to be converted to VND. VTC Intecom Company may cancel accounts that violate these terms without any prior notice.
anhquytacgiftPlayers are not allowed to provide websites, emails, or any form of fraud to obtain account information or Vcoin of other accounts.
anhquytacgiftPlayers are not allowed to receive Vcoin/Virtual items in the game from websites, emails, fraudulent accounts or illegal Vcoin sources. In cases where customers use VTC accounts to receive rewards, the issuer has the right to revoke the prize and cancel the results if fraud is detected during the process of receiving the reward or an error occurs in the system leading to the reward being paid. incorrect.
anhquytacgiftIf we detect a player violating any of the provisions of this usage agreement, we will immediately lock the account without prior notice.
anhquytacgiftDuring the transaction process, if an error occurs, players please send a request to the website for assistance.
anhquytacgiftWe commit that the activities of the VTC Account System are in accordance with the Law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
anhquytacgiftWhen a player registers to use the payment service at, it means that the player understands and accepts the terms of this agreement.
anhquytacgiftPlayers understand and accept that when a dispute occurs, the basis for resolving the dispute between the player and the VTC Account System is this agreement.
anhquytacgiftIt is strictly forbidden to probe security information to take over other people's accounts
2. Regulations on accounts and account holder information
To use the services, users need to register an account and information about the account owner.
2. 1 Account name regulations:
anhquytacgiftAccount name includes English alphabet characters, numbers, and underscores.
anhquytacgiftWhen creating an account, fill in all required information when registering.
anhquytacgiftCreating an account must comply with the following principles:
anhquytacgift It is not allowed to name or create symbols related to famous people or names of Party and State leaders.
anhquytacgiftDo not name or create symbols with reactionary, anti-religious, pornographic, violent content, or go against Vietnamese customs, traditions and culture.
anhquytacgiftDo not name or create symbols that are offensive or offensive to others in any form.
anhquytacgiftDo not name or create symbols with disruptive content or discredit the services provided by Intecom, the publishing company as well as the members of VTC Corporation.
anhquytacgiftDo not name or create symbols of bad guys (terrorists, fascists, etc.)
anhquytacgiftDo not name an account that contains the words Vcoin, Pay, Audition, face value of Vcoin card, names of services provided by VTC Intecom and its partners.
2.2 Account holder information
anhquytacgiftWhen registering, players need to provide complete and accurate information requested in the registration form. Starting from the time of upgrading the VTC account system (January 10, 2013), we will rely on real ID cards to support account-related disputes. Providing accurate information helps us protect the legitimate rights of account holders. We only support dispute resolution and are not responsible for any customer losses.
anhquytacgiftThe account owner must preserve their account, password, email and record necessary information in case something goes wrong (for example: hacked, etc.). We are not responsible for any player's losses caused by using the service.
anhquytacgiftThe account's email is the only email used in the system. The account owner is solely responsible for email security and using email to register in the system.
2.3 Regulations on activating, locking and canceling accounts from the system:2.3.1 Account status:
anhquytacgift Newly created account: is an account created after the customer successfully registered but has not yet activated. The account owner needs to activate the account by accessing the activation link that the system sends to the email declared by the account owner. After activation, the newly created account will be converted to Active Account status.
anhquytacgiftActive account: is an active account of the system, with login operations, payments, transactions... on the VTC account system, or other VTC systems such as GO Social Network , games provided by VTC Online, VTC Mobile, and other units of VTC Multimedia Corporation.
anhquytacgiftInActive account: is the state in which the account after 03 months (90 days) has not had any operations related to the account on the VTC account system and systems using VTC accounts according to the prescribed time. determined. Arising operations include Login/login, Changing account information, Payment, and using VTC account to access other online services.
anhquytacgiftUnverified account: is the status of an account that has filled in registration information but has not been activated via email.
anhquytacgiftAccount statuses are locked
anhquytacgiftAccount locked via SMS Plus: is the account status of the customer who actively composes an account locking message
anhquytacgiftAccount locked due to other reasons: is the status of an account locked by the Account System Administrator due to a dispute, transaction error...
anhquytacgiftPurge: is the periodic screening of inactive accounts and junk accounts on the VTC System.
2.3.2 Regulations on account purging
anhquytacgiftPeriodic purge time: Purge every 6 months, VTC account system will perform account purge.
anhquytacgiftDelete from the system: For VTC accounts that have not had any transactions on the VTC account system for 6 months (at least logging into VTC services, games,...), The system will proceed to purge and delete those accounts.
3. Regulations on posting information online
anhquytacgiftInformation posted on service systems may be provided by service community members. We do not independently verify the information and are not responsible for such information. Therefore, such information should not be considered a recommendation or has been verified, we do not accept any responsibility for this information.
anhquytacgift​ Links from Intecom Company's service system may lead players to information pages of other partners. We will not be responsible for the accuracy of information posted on those websites.
anhquytacgiftWe have the right to add, modify or delete any information, regulations as well as change the presentation, components or functions... of the system without prior notice.
4. Regulations on intellectual property rights
anhquytacgiftAll products and services provided by Intecom Company have been licensed and copyright protected by the State. Without the written consent of Intecom Company, users are not allowed to upload, send, publish, or distribute products and services in any form.
anhquytacgiftIntecom Company is allowed to freely use ideas or information content provided by users. Users have no right to claim any financial compensation (bonuses, fees, royalties or other forms of payment...) related to the use of this information.
5. Requirements for account holdersAccount holders must comply with the provisions in this agreement as well as the following behaviors:
anhquytacgiftDo not violate security or attempt to violate the security of Intecom Company's server system.
anhquytacgiftDo not use tools that change the results of the game or commit fraudulent acts to sabotage or profit.
anhquytacgiftDo not impersonate other members (system administrators, support specialists, etc. of Intecom Company).
anhquytacgiftDo not distribute and disseminate information that is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, insulting, obscene, pornographic, insulting, threatening, insulting, hateful, inciting... or contrary to common ethical standards of society.
anhquytacgiftDo not send advertising information, chain letters or any other form of communication for commercial purposes (unless authorized in writing by Intecom Company).
anhquytacgiftDo not send or transmit any information or software that contains any viruses, trojans, bugs or other harmful components that endanger the safety of the service system.
anhquytacgiftDo not send or upload, publish, transmit, reproduce or distribute in any form content protected by copyright and intellectual property laws of products and services provided by Intecom company. provide; or create variations of such content without the written consent of the owner or copyright holder.
anhquytacgiftDo not continuously send meaningless text on chat channels to hinder or harass other members.
anhquytacgiftDo not have threatening attitudes or acts of harassment, psychological inhibition, etc. towards other members.
anhquytacgiftDo not use unhealthy, obscene, defamatory, insulting words, words, signs, characters, etc. to service system administrators, players and other organizations.
anhquytacgiftDo not commit acts of colluding, disrupting, obstructing, sabotaging, or fabricating information that is harmful to the community, the publisher, or partners affiliated with the publisher in any programs, events, or services. The publisher or organizer will take measures such as locking the account or depriving the violating account owner of all rights.
anhquytacgiftProvide complete and accurate personal information such as full name, gender, date of birth, email, address, ID card number as well as other meaningful factors in determining ownership of the property. with an account required by businesses providing online game services. VTC account system has the right to cancel account benefits in case personal information is incomplete or inaccurate during the review period for the account to enjoy benefits.
anhquytacgiftPlayers are not allowed to buy and sell Vcoin for profit in any form and all Vcoin is not allowed to be converted to VND. VTC Intecom Company
6. Rights of VTC Intecom Company
anhquytacgiftIf we detect a user violating the regulations stated in this Agreement, we have the right to ban or deny access to any account without prior notice. In serious cases, Intecom Company will coordinate with the government to prosecute violators.
anhquytacgiftWe reserve the right to use account information to send account holders notifications about products and services or promotions via email or postal mail. We may also use this information to conduct investigations (For example, to notify service changes in the system, to notify about promotional programs or other humanitarian and social actions). ). We maintain a "NO SPAM" policy, not sharing, selling or releasing account holder emails to third parties.
anhquytacgiftWe have the full right to change the terms and policies that we believe are no longer appropriate in this agreement without prior notice. Users automatically agree to comply with the changes in the new regulations.
  • - Coordinate with investigation agencies to find illegal activities related to information dissemination and network security.
  • - Protect rights and property related to the service system we provide.
  • - Identify people who intentionally violate information and network security laws.
anhquytacgiftFor accounts that violate the above terms, we have the right to block the account or cancel all benefits depending on the severity of the violation.
anhquytacgiftWe will only provide personal information and/or IP address of the account holder when requested by Vietnamese law agencies and to do truly necessary things as follows:
anhquytacgiftDuring events organized by VTC, we have the right to cancel customer prizes if the customer account information is not the customer's own, or if illegal trading behavior is detected between accounts.
anhquytacgiftVTC Intecom Company can cancel accounts for account owners who violate Vcoin purchases, accounts, and virtual items in any form without any prior notice.
7. Complaints
anhquytacgift​​ The VTC account system only supports complaint resolution within 30 days from the date of the transaction. After 30 days from the date of the transaction, the VTC account holder loses the right to complain about that transaction.
anhquytacgift​​ When reporting or complaining about another account, players need to clearly state the name of the account being reported, the complaint and the violation of that account. To protect your rights, players please provide all three pieces of information about their account (including: ID card, security question and answer, email address when registering an account) and contact address. necessary system.
anhquytacgift​During the denunciation and complaint process, players can request the receiving staff to lock their account to protect their assets and preserve the remaining Vcoin in their account.
anhquytacgift​In case the accusation or complaint about hacking Vcoin is not true, the player's account will be locked for a period of 02 weeks.
anhquytacgift​In case of a dispute that requires confrontation, we are responsible for notifying the player of the specific time. The player or the player's authorized person must be present at: Complaints Resolution Department, VTC Intecom Company, 13th Floor, No. 23 Lac Trung, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi at the notified time.
8. Transaction history
anhquytacgiftThe VTC account system allows account holders to look up the transaction history of the last 30 days from the time of the lookup.
9. Implementation provisions.
anhquytacgiftThis usage agreement is binding on us from the time it is posted on the website and is binding on customers from the time they register to use the service provided by When additional modifications are posted, we and our customers must comply with the additional modifications we make.